How To Clean House And Keep It Fresh Smelling


how to clean houseAfter a long day at the office, you want to relax and just be comfortable at home. But how can you unwind when the room smells funky and everything is in disarray. Here are a few tips on how to clean house and make sure that it smells great.

Don’t Hoard

When you hoard, your house looks small and disorderly. Sure, there are many things at home that you no longer using. Why not donate or give them to people who can still use your stuff? You can also throw away the things that are no longer usable. Organising can certainly make your house appear spacious and appealing.

Make A Cleaning Schedule

Keeping your house needs a little effort of you. A clean house will not magically appear. You need to make an effort to clean your home at least once or twice a week. To make your load lighter, you can schedule the things you need to clean this week. For example, this Tuesday, you will be deep cleaning the kitchen cabinets; next week it will be the garage. Don’t exhaust yourself, by cleaning everything all at once.

Get Rid Of Rotten Foods

When you open your fridge, are you attracted to what you are seeing or do you want to close it right away? Some people have this habit to keep old foods longer than a month. Save yourself from foul smelling fridge and throwaway foods that are no longer edible.

how to clean the home

Freshen Up The Room

For the green thumbs out there, getting indoor plants like garden mum, spider plant, dracaena, peace lily and boston fern can help make the room smells pleasant. They aren’t just for display; they’re also natural air purifiers.

Clean The Carpet

Carpets are usually overlooked. When left unclean, the carpet can trap unwanted smells. Vacuum the carpet as often as necessary. Clean carpet stains right away. You can also use baking soda to keep the carpet smelling fresh.

cleaning the house

These are just some of the few tips on how you can make your home clean and fresh.  If you have a super busy schedule, you can always hire a reputable cleaner to help you with the housekeeping.