How to Manage Your Time With A House Cleaning Checklist

House Cleaning MelbourneDo you always find yourself pressed for time when you are cleaning your house? It is true that doing household chores can be very time consuming. Sometimes, you need to allot an hour or two to just sweep, vacuum and dust the living room area. An hour may also not be enough to spring clean the whole kitchen. What if you have other things to attend to and you don’t have all day to clean the house? For you to stay on top of your cleaning schedule, there is a special tool that you can use.

What’s a House Cleaning Checklist? Do You Really Need It?

A house cleaning checklist is simply an inventory of the things you need to do. This standardised tool will help you to focus on the things that are necessary. A to-do list will also make you a more organised and productive person.

Categorise Your House Cleaning Tasks

First things you need to do is to create a list of all the cleaning tasks that your home needs. Categorise each task as things you need to do as frequently or infrequently. Those tasks included in the frequent lists are sweeping, washing the dishes and doing your laundry. On the other hand, tasks like deep cleaning your appliances or spot treating of carpets and upholstery can be included in the things that you do infrequently or occasionally.

Cleaning Checklist

Estimate Time Needed To Complete Each Task

Next is to estimate the time it takes for you to perform each task. The key to good time management is to schedule each task well. You can also note how often the tasks needs to be done. For example, you might decide that washing the dishes should be done three times daily (after breakfast, after lunch and after dinner). You can also allot 20-30 minutes to do this particular task.

Lighten The Load And Share It!

After categorizing and estimating the time to complete each task, you can now delegate each cleaning task to a person who is responsible for it. You can assign the task to a particular member of the family or a professional cleaner, if you are planning to hire one. You can post it to your refrigerator where people at home can see it.

These are just a few things you need to remember when making a house cleaning checklist. If you feel that there’s a need to adjust your house cleaning schedule, do so. Don’t stick to a schedule that makes you feel stressed over time. Remember that the main objective of the house cleaning list is for you to manage your time wisely so that your chores will not pile up and feel overbearing.