Melbourne General Cleaning Services  – Home Remedies To Remove Carpet Stains

Melbourne general cleaningA carpet can create a rich and sophisticated look in any room. It is comfortable and pleasing to walk into. Truly, having a carpet installed is not a cheap addition at home. Having that said, you need to make sure that your carpet is always clean and presentable. A stain on the carpet can be annoying and can be displeasing to look at. Melbourne general cleaning services provided common household removal stain removers for your carpet.

Baking Powder

This powerful kitchen ingredient is very effective in removing carpet stain. Basically, you mix the baking powder with water. You can combine them in a spray bottle.  Squirt the mixture over the stain. Let it sit for 15 minutes. Dab the stain with a clean cloth.


Mix half a cup of white vinegar with water. Dilute in a spray bottle and squirt the stained carpet. Leave the solution on the stain for about 10 to 15 minutes. Blot the area with a clean washcloth or paper towel.

 Melbourne general cleaners

Baking Soda

Baking soda does not only eliminate stain, it can also deodorize the carpet. Liberally sprinkle this effective cleaning solution on the area. Use a dry scrub and brush the stained area. Let the baking soda sit overnight. Vacuum the area.

Club Soda

For water-soluble stain, club soda is an effective solution. Simply, soak a clean white cloth in club soda. Next, blot the area. Dry the area.

Melbourne general cleaner

Having stains on your carpet can be catastrophic. But, there are simple solutions that are effective in removing carpet stains. If you are still unsure on how to proceed with the cleaning, you may hire a professional Melbourne carpet cleaner who is highly skilled in removing even the most stubborn stains.

Melbourne City Cleaners is one of your trusted Melbourne general cleaning services. Our Melbourne general cleaners are trained to tackle all kinds of dirt. Call us on 03 8616 0781 to schedule your next cleaning.